Writing has never been more pronounced as it is now in our present world. It will amaze you to know that this field has widened over time and many people have developed their businesses around it. Daily, many more people wake up to various kinds of writing as they wish to become better writers. However, it is important to know that becoming a better writer takes much more than a wish – it takes the huge responsibility of consistency.
If you run a very busy schedule, you might find it difficult to fit writing into your ton of daily multiple tasks. And if your schedule is not so busy, you might end up locked in too many distractions. You could even find yourself in the cycle of scheduling to-do lists for your writing goal, but all you end up with are piles of unfinished manuscripts. If this is your experience, you need no one to tell you that something has to be done.
So, What’s Next?
In the midst of all these, one thing you should hold dearly is your clear-cut definition of writing. Experts say that no one is really too busy for the things important to them. When you find out that writing is an undying passion you must build, it becomes highly important to you as a priority. Defining what writing is to you puts you in a better position to work towards becoming better at it. And before you know it, you will emerge a consistent writer with enough proofs to show for it.
No exceptional writer takes lightly his need to write every day or to maintain his style and frequency of writing. In fact, it seems rather stale that good writers are the consistent ones. As a matter of fact, there is no better time to let you know that effective writing is not only about how powerful you write, but also about how regularly you do. It is about sticking through what you have learned about writing, improving your lessons and writing repeatedly with those lessons in mind.
What Consistency Really Is
Now, the big deal here is not about how to get started as a writer although it is important that you begin. What matters is what you do after starting which determines if you would get better at it or not. The crux of getting better at writing is to keep doing at regular intervals what you started and never stop, even when you have achieved your desired result.
Consistency for you as a writer comes in time (or frequency) and style. In terms of frequency, consistency is when you write at regular or fixed intervals, say daily, bi-weekly or at any specific time interval you choose. In this case, you may set your writing goal to be a 1,500-word article every morning and a 500-word blog post every night. You could do this in reference to the words of Merriam Webster, which states that consistency is an act of continuing to develop in the same way.
On the other hand, consistency may be based on the kind of style you choose in writing. In this regard, it is assumed that you already have a writing niche and you are grounded in your decision to stick with it. Ranging from Fashion, to Sports and Entertainment, you are to decide on the what you want to write on and stay glued to it.
Exceptional Writers are the Consistent Ones
Exceptional writers are consistent ones, both in time and style. You should not write today and make your audience get the next glimpse of you in a month’s time. If you do this, you might end up confusing your audience as they might not seem to know the next time to hear from you.
In the same vein, you should not write on Sports today, Health tomorrow and Pets the next day. Doing this might make you lose your audience as well. So, if you must be a consistent writer, you need to set a goal to become one. Follow through achieving that goal and you will be amazed at the better writer you would become.

Writing is something good enough to be proud of. And when you are consistent in it, you can be sure that you stand to gain more than the title of being a “consistent writer”. So, let’s look at some other benefits you would get on this path:
Time Maximisation
Having a consistent schedule for writing makes you maximise your time. One of the ways to have a consistent writing schedule is to fit writing into your daily life. Before you know it, it grows unconsciously into your habit and this will make you measure the extent of your time maximisation by the writing goals you have realised. Gradually, you will always have something to write about, and it will keep your time in check.
Improved Writing
Your writing might not be so good at the start, but once you begin and you keep at the responsibility, you will start to learn more about it. You will get informed of better writing strategies, ideas and innovations to help you get better at writing. Need I tell you that you become better at writing by writing? That is exactly how it is. Consistency sharpens your pen and improves your skill.
Someone who consistently writes about fashion will grow to know more about whatever is trending in that industry, and will gradually become an authority in that field. However, someone who jumps from one writing niche to another might not be perceived as an expert in writing (even though he might be). His target audience will keep changing and he might find himself with little or no audience in the long run.
You can tell that it is hard for anyone to consult his writing expertise as no one really knows what kind of writer he is. For instance, Buchi Emecheta’s name strikes the chord of fiction, which is the same as Chinua Achebe and Amos Tutuola. Nnedi Okorafor is a writer who specialises in science fiction and has remained consistent with it for as long as it sustains her writing goal. These people are authorities in the line of writing they chose because of consistency.
Being consistent in writing develops in you an attitude of discipline and births you a system for goal realisation. Ordinarily writing is neither child’s play nor is it for the faint-hearted. Writing takes a lot of energy, and it takes discipline to give the energy that it requires. Your determination to be a consistent writer will put you up to the challenge to always write, regardless of how you feel, even when it seems no longer fun to write.
Discipline in writing will have you survive sleepless nights and drive you out of your comfort zone to meet crazy deadlines. However, the credit of becoming better in it goes to you in the end. This is the real deal because many times, the result we achieve does not matter as much as what the process makes of us. The good news about this is that, the discipline instilled by consistent writing does not stay in the writing field; it is excellence that transcends into every area of your life.
Goal Realisation
When you are unrepentantly consistent in writing, you would find it easy to realise your writing goals. Once you set your writing goals, break them down into bits and baby steps. Be consistent with your action plan and see yourself reach your goals. Consistency always remains the secret to goal actualisation. So, if you would achieve your goals as a writer, learn to be consistent.
Now, wouldn’t you rather be consistent?
If only our wishes can be realised, then we cannot imagine how many good writers we would have had today. This is because many writers want to be better at writing, but all they do is wish it would come true one day. Without any intention to make you feel worse, wishes like that only end up in the clouds, because they are not accompanied by the correct principle of consistency.
Here’s to tell you that becoming an effective writer does not happen in a day. Rather, it is a daily thing. And the good news is, no matter how seemingly poor you think you are at writing, if you are consistent, you are only a step away to become the exceptional writer you have always aspired to be.
Do you want to be more consistent in writing on your blog or content site? Click here to get the help we have to offer you.
Has this post influenced you? Feel free to share in the comment below. We sure love to hear from you too!
So so true. Without consistency, you’ll never become a excellent writer. Thanks for sharing.
That’s true. It’s important to get started as a writer, but what is more important is being consistent with what you do.
Thank you very much, Emmanuel.
A beautiful piece on writing by no other person other than the book Coach himself. I will definitely incorporate the value of your advice gleaned here so as to Increase my writing impact.
Thank you and more Grace.
Thank you, Timothy. That is a great resolution. Well done.
Thank you , Sewa for this exceptional and timely piece.
You’re welcome, Adedoyin. Let’s keep the writing conversations going.