7 Ways To Unlock The Potential Of Your Manuscript

7 Ways To Unlock The Potential Of Your Manuscript

I am an agricultural economist by profession, and during my undergraduate studies, we were required to plant various trees and crops as part of our coursework. I vividly recall one particular course where we were tasked with planting tree crops, with each department assigned different types. This was during my third year, or 300 level….

6 Reasons Customer Reviews Matter To Authors

6 Reasons Customer Reviews Matter To Authors

“Provide an experience that is both useful, usable, desirable, and differentiated, and you will create demand for your brand and delight your customers.” David Armano I once wanted to purchase an online course. Prior to paying for it, I checked to see what other people had to say about it. After going through lots of…

3 Reasons Your Book Isn’t Published Yet (And How To Change That)

3 Reasons Your Book Isn’t Published Yet (And How To Change That)

If you’re familiar with the Holy Bible, you may recall a passage that compares believers to light. The purpose of light is to illuminate and chase away darkness. However, when a lamp is lit and then hidden, it cannot fulfill its purpose. That’s why a lamp is placed on a stand, not under a basket,…

4 Ways To Build Your Reputation As An Author

4 Ways To Build Your Reputation As An Author

You’ve just applied your favorite perfume. Its scent fills the air and lingers around you. When you walk into a room, it’s often one of the first things people notice. It subtly communicates something about you, shaping their expectations and influencing how they perceive and interact with you. Your scent might evoke memories or emotions…

4 Common Pitfalls To Avoid As An Aspiring Author
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4 Common Pitfalls To Avoid As An Aspiring Author

Author. I’ve traveled by road many times, and I’m always amazed at how drivers instinctively know the way. What fascinates me is that they do this without GPS, yet we always arrive at our destination on time and in one piece. When there’s heavy traffic, I’ve watched drivers navigate unmarked roads, weave through streets and…

5 Vital Reasons To Know Your Target Audience As An Author

5 Vital Reasons To Know Your Target Audience As An Author

5 You recently wrote a book on gardening. During your marketing campaigns, you focused your efforts on business executives, assuming they had the purchasing power to buy your book and the resources to apply your insights. But three months in, you’ve seen little to no spike in sales. The issue here isn’t the quality of…