The Power of Determination: Breaking Through Barriers

I once visited a compound whose floor was tiled with interlocking bricks. It was done in such a way that you couldn’t see the ground underneath. I fell in love with the tiling because I believed that it would keep grasses from sprouting. How wrong I was. For a while, the compound maintained its new look – the grasses had no breathing space. After some time, I began to see grasses sprouting in bits and pieces and in no time, the compound was overrun.

Now the grasses that sprouted were different from the ones that normally grew in the compound. Here’s how I mean: Before the tiling, grasses grew big and wide but post-tiling, the type of grasses that sprouted were the thin, fragile ones – the type you had to apply caution to when weeding them out. These grasses saw a barrier in the form of the interlocks and adapted accordingly. They changed their strategy such that though the interlocks restricted them, they were still able to push through. That is the power of determination.

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Determination is the ability to stay focused on a goal and fight for its accomplishment in spite of opposing circumstances. Determination understands that life will never be fair to it; life will not sit by and allow it to accomplish things effortlessly. Due to this, it stands its ground, studies the challenges before it and creates strategies to tackle them accordingly. You have what it takes to pursue your dream. In spite of the opposition you’re facing, pay close attention and you’ll discover a way out – something that you can do to outsmart the system. The best part of this all is that determination can be learned and developed. I’ll share a few tips to that effect:

  • Have a clear goal: On a football field, the goalposts are clearly marked, giving the players a clear understanding of what they’re aiming for. Every move they make is geared towards scoring in their opponent’s goal. That’s the power of having clear goals. A well-defined goal is SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. In other words, it should be precise, with measurable steps, realistic and achievable within a set timeframe. Clear goals help focus your efforts and sharpen your attention. With a clear picture of your ideal outcome, you’re motivated to work harder and push through obstacles to get there. As you apply this mindset to different areas of your life, you’ll build both determination and resilience.
  • Break up your goals: For football players, the main objective is to get the ball into their opponent’s goalpost. But to make that happen, the coach breaks the goal down into a series of moves, passes, and tackles that, together, lead to victory. Each player is assigned a specific role to support the bigger vision. This approach makes scoring seem less intimidating and much more achievable. Similarly, when you have a big goal, it can feel overwhelming—so much so that it can freeze you into inaction. The key is to break it down into smaller, manageable tasks. Think of your goal as a photo album; to complete it, you need to focus on each individual picture. Breaking your goal into bite-sized pieces makes it feel less daunting, more achievable, and motivates you to keep going. Suddenly, success feels within reach. With every milestone you hit, your passion reignites, driving you to achieve even more.

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  • Remember your why: As you work toward your goals, whatever they may be, you’re bound to face challenges, feel discouraged, or even consider giving up. In those moments, remembering why you started in the first place can reignite your drive to keep going. Your “why” might be as simple as wanting to eat healthier, lose weight, or provide for your family—the list is endless. Whatever it is, keep it front and center in your mind, and make sure it’s strong enough to keep you motivated when discouragement inevitably shows up.
  • Leverage accountability partners: An accountability partner is someone you share your goals with—someone who holds you responsible and committed to them. While determination is an admirable trait, you don’t have to take the journey alone. Surround yourself with people you trust, who share a similar drive for self-improvement. A strong support system will help you stay committed to your vision, especially when challenges arise. They’ll lift you up, push you when needed, and stand by you until you reach your goals. You don’t have to look far to find accountability partners—they could be family, friends, colleagues, or even online accountability groups. Whichever option you choose, make sure you have someone on your team who will help keep you focused on your big vision.
  • Practice self-discipline: Self-discipline is about being able to control your actions, thoughts, and emotions. It’s the foundation of determination—when you can manage the small things in your life, you’ll be better equipped to stay focused when distractions or challenges arise. Start with something simple, like waking up a little earlier, eating healthier meals, or working out each morning. Once you’ve mastered self-discipline, you’ll find yourself capable of tackling any goal and achieving it.

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What challenges are holding you back from fulfilling your destiny? Take a closer look, and you might find a loophole you can use to propel yourself toward your big dream. The world belongs to those who are determined—so stand your ground today.

How do you stay focused on your goals? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

I’ll write you soon.

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