
Authors: The Real Superheroes

Close your eyes for a moment and picture a world without books. A place where knowledge is passed down solely through word of mouth or by sitting directly under a thought leader. In this world, you’re searching for a specific piece of information. You’ve asked several people you believed knew the story, but their accounts don’t line up—there are too many inconsistencies. And the thought leader who originally developed the idea you’re after has long since passed. Now you’re stuck. How do you even begin to find the information? Where do you start?

Now, imagine that same world, but this time, someone took the time to document their thoughts in writing. Whenever you need specific information, all you have to do is access the material. Knowledge is now consistent, accessible, and enduring. That’s the power of writing and publishing a book. If you’ve ever considered writing a book, now is the time to take the plunge. As an author, you’re not just telling a story—you’re preserving lives. You’re a kind of superhero. So act like it. Still think your craft isn’t important? Think again. Writers are superheroes, and here’s why:

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  • Knowledge guardians: During my undergraduate days, we were assigned several tasks that required trips to the school library. I would sift through book after book until I found what I needed. Those books were lifesavers—learning would have been so much harder without them. I can’t imagine a world where those resources didn’t exist, and I know countless students feel the same. A book is a way to share your solutions with the world. The authors of those books foresaw a future where students would rely on their expertise, and they published their work to help us. As an author, you preserve and provide knowledge, ideas, and insights that educate and enlighten. You’re a gatekeeper of knowledge, and this extends far beyond the academic world.
  • Time travelers: Whenever I’m bored or stressed, I grab a novel and dive right in. Before long, I’m swept into a world far from my own, feeling the protagonist’s emotions—fear, excitement, heartbreak, whatever comes their way. As a fiction writer, one of your superpowers is time travel. You can transport your readers to a world of your creation. This makes you a literary god—birthing worlds from nothing—and a conductor, guiding your audience through these newly created realms.
  • Advocates for empathy: Have you ever read a book and suddenly found yourself understanding and even agreeing with the characters’ poor decisions? I certainly have. There are beliefs I’ve held about certain situations or people, and through reading, I gain a broader perspective that often replaces my biases with empathy. Authors use their writing to help readers understand different viewpoints, fostering empathy and compassion. Do you grasp the full impact of this? Because of your book, people become more open-minded toward those they don’t understand. This openness allows for peaceful coexistence with those who hold different beliefs. In this way, you’re not only an advocate for empathy but also a promoter of peaceful coexistence..

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  • Hope givers: In her poem “Hope is the thing with feathers,” Emily Dickinson explores the power of hope. Hope can lift and comfort us, giving us the strength to face challenges with the confidence that we will overcome them. When we encounter someone who has faced and conquered similar struggles, it’s incredibly refreshing. As an author, when you share your stories, you provide your readers with hope, solace, and comfort, helping them tackle their own challenges. Your stories remind them they’re not alone in their struggles, bolstering their resolve to overcome just as you have. They shift from a mindset of being a victim to that of a victor, finding possibilities in situations they once deemed impossible. In this sense, you’re truly a life giver, renewing your readers’ faith in life and reaffirming their existence.
  • Change Agents: Through your writing, you can spark social change, raise awareness about important issues, and challenge your readers’ assumptions. Take Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, as an example—she shed light on domestic violence, sexism, racism, and female empowerment. She challenged men to respect women, to see them not as objects meant to satisfy a need, but as individuals with emotions, dreams, and hopes, deserving of dignity and love. Her book also encouraged women to break free from patriarchal oppression, striving for self-sufficiency and financial independence. These are real societal issues, and through her book, she brought them to the forefront, urging readers to know better and do better.
  • Mentorship: A mentor is someone who has completed a journey, reached a desired destination, and is committed to helping others follow the same path. As an author, you can document your life’s journey—perhaps in the form of a memoir—and share it with your readers. By sharing your experiences, expertise, and wisdom, you equip your readers to embark on similar journeys and replicate your successes.

Do you want to join a community of exceptional individuals who have lifetime access to exclusive content on book writing, book editing, book marketing, and book printing? Then sign up for TEBEBA Knowledge Bank here: https://tebeba.com/knowledge-bank/

I could go on and on about what makes writing and publishing your book a noble venture but I’ll stop here. By virtue of your existence and career, you have accrued experiences that’ll make for several books. Don’t sit around waiting for the world to permit you; permit yourself and write that book today.

Do you have any questions, thoughts, or stories? Share with us in the comments section.

Till I write you again.

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