7 Reasons You Should Publish Your Book
Close your eyes. Think back to your favorite book, or if you can’t choose just one, think about all the books you’ve loved. Now, imagine a world without those books. A world where you have nothing to pass the time, where you have to travel great distances and spend heavily just to hear authors speak, and a world where gaining knowledge is a struggle. Are you picturing it? Think of a world devoid of all the benefits your books offer you. Have you thought about this world? How do you like it?
I’m guessing you don’t find such a world particularly appealing; I don’t either. If you believe that the world would be an empty place without all the books that fill the void, why then deprive the world of your book? You might claim otherwise, but it’s the truth. Through your action and inaction, you have made it impossible for the world to share in your thoughts, wisdom, and unique perspective that your book would surely offer.
You heard me right. You should publish your book because you have a story to tell from a perspective that no one has heard before. Your unique blend of experiences and perspectives would make for an interesting and captivating read, don’t you think? Of course it would. Are you still undecided about becoming a published author? I hope not, but just in case you are, here are additional reasons to give book publishing a try:
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- You are a writer: I know this sounds funny, but why call yourself a writer if you refuse to do what writers do – write. When I say write, I mean taking the time and putting in the effort to document your thoughts and make them available to your audience. Everyone writes, but when you take the step to publish your book, you distinguish yourself from the sea of writers who are writers in name only, without a work to show for it. You should publish your book because you’re a writer, and a writer who keeps their thoughts and ideas to themselves will be unable to influence their world. If John C. Maxwell had kept his thoughts on leadership to himself, individuals and organizations would have had to source solutions and ideas from elsewhere. Give the world a reason to be grateful for your existence. Shake off the dust and get to work birthing a book that could be a game changer. Writing can be challenging, but when you remind yourself that you’re a writer and it’s in your nature to write and publish exceptional content, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a published author.
- You’ll discover yourself: If you were to ask most parents today, they would say that before they became parents, they were unsure how they would navigate the new phase. But after the arrival of their children, they realized it is something they absolutely enjoy—a challenging but rewarding experience they wouldn’t trade for anything else. Parenting has opened them to truths about themselves that were previously hidden. They discovered strengths and weaknesses and learned to grow despite the challenges encountered along the way. The same applies to you. If you refuse to write and publish your book, you will never know your full capabilities. The parents knew because they tried. Writing is an introspective and mindful activity, and you will encounter truths about yourself—your preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and skills—that you didn’t know beforehand. This is why the entire process of writing and publishing your book is referred to as a journey. When you arrive, you’ll be totally transformed, with a new appreciation for yourself and the world around you.
- Establishes your expertise: Imagine you’re the host of a talk show or podcast and you have two speakers to choose from—both experts in the same field, but only one is a published author. Who would you go for? Most likely, the published author. This is because writing and publishing a book, especially in your field, demonstrates a certain level of determination and commitment. It requires considerable effort, organization, and creativity to communicate complex ideas in a way that laypersons can understand and act on. Achieving this shows that you have a thorough understanding of the subject matter. Thus, publishing your book highlights your dedication to your field and establishes you as a voice to be reckoned with.
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- Increased patronage: Whether you offer a product or service, one of the fastest ways to expand your business reach is by publishing a book. As discussed earlier, writing and publishing a book establishes you as an expert in your field. When prospects come across your book, they are convinced of your authority and credibility, making them more likely to hire you because they trust that you know exactly what you’re doing.
- Constant source of content: Your book can serve as a rich source of content for your brand—podcasts, newsletters, social media posts, videos, or even blog posts. Everything you create for your business can stem from your book. This provides you with content for days, months, or even a year. Just imagine your business’s reach when you’re able to consistently put out authentic content; it would be explosive. While you don’t have to wait to publish your book to start content marketing, your book can give you an added advantage.
- Provides you with a pick of topics for speaking events: When invited to speak at an event, it can be challenging to condense your broad knowledge of your field into content that can be easily delivered and consumed by your audience. Publishing a book eliminates the time spent researching and curating content for the event. It provides you with countless ideas and topics that you can use in your speech or presentation.
- Source of income: We can’t overlook this when considering book publishing. Your book can generate income in several ways. The most common is through direct sales. Other avenues include converting your book into audiobooks, translating it into other languages, selling book-related merchandise, movie adaptations, courses, and consulting services. Your book is a seed with countless earning potentials; maximize it.
Do you want to join a community of exceptional individuals who have lifetime access to exclusive content on book writing, book editing, book marketing, and book printing? Then sign up for TEBEBA Knowledge Bank here: https://tebeba.com/knowledge-bank/
Have you considered writing and publishing your book? What’s stopping you from getting started? Tell us in the comment section below.
If you’re considering working with a ghostwriter but aren’t sure if it’s the right move, here are some reasons to take the plunge.
Till we talk again.