Personal development is germane in achieving astounding success in life and career. To attain an enviable level of personal development, there are proven steps and patterns to follow. And just like every powerful building has pillars that hold it on, so is personal building. In his book titled “Pillars of Personal Development”, Niyi Daniel, an engineer, expounds the various pillars that make up successful personal development. In this exclusive interview, he sheds more light on what it takes to discover oneself; his journey into writing and experience while publishing with Tebeba Global Publishing Ltd.
Please, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
My name is Niyi Daniel; I am an engineer by profession and a family man. I help individuals to discover their inherent potentials, and profit from it.
When did you first realize you wanted to be an author and why did you decide to be one?
I had desired to become an author some years ago, precisely 6 years ago. However, I decided to be one now because it dawned on me that this is the right time to be.
Can you tell us a bit about your journey as an author? What were the struggles or challenges you’ve encountered and surmounted along this journey?
Being an author is not an easy journey; howbeit, it is the sufficient grace of God that has made me one. There were several challenges I encountered, but I will just mention two.
I. The challenge of starting:
When it dawned on me that I will become an author, one of the challenges I encountered was how to start. This was the question I had in my mind for some months before courage and confidence flooded my heart. Then I began to know what to write, how my book would look like and the purpose of the book.
II. The challenge of finance:
This is another challenge I encountered because I knew that it is one thing to write a book, and it is another thing to finance it. But because I knew I was led by God to start the project, I knew He would finance it.
I was able to surmount challenges I faced because I put my trust in God who told me to start the project. Every project is big, but God is bigger than every project, and He is the one that can help one to complete it.

How did you come across TEBEBA Publishing firm and why did you choose TEBEBA as your publisher?
As God will have it, I met Mr. Emmanuel Olatunji on Facebook about 9 years ago. We have been good friends even before he conceived the idea of TEBEBA . So, when I decided to write my book, there was no thinking twice than giving my book project to him based on the consistent and productive friendship and relationship between us.
I chose TEBEBA Global publishing because of their track records, excellent and topnotch services.
Now, let’s talk about your book, titled “Writing to Impact”. What inspired you to write the book?
I was inspired to write my book out of a burden to see people profiting from their latent potential, talent and gift. I realised that many people are educated but broke; talented but suffering; gifted but groaning. That was what pushed me to write the book.
What is your book about and who is it for?
My book is about helping people to see quality investment in personal development as a lifestyle, and swinging into action to leverage it in scaling and maximizing their personal life success for the benefit of humanity.
The book is meant for those who want to profit from their talents, gifts and potentials through the instrumentality of personal development.
What does self-discovery entail?
Self-discovery entails realizing what you need to do and doing it with a sense of urgency. It is also possessing the right knowledge of your strengths and channeling it for better result.
What are the various steps involved in self-discovery and self-awareness?
There are steps in self-discovery and self-awareness which include: seeking to identify your purpose; discovering and exploring your limitless potential; problem identification and building niche around it in serving value to your targeted audience e.t.c.
In your book, you reiterated the popular saying: when the purpose of a thing is not understood, abuse is unavoidable. Can you enlighten us about this saying as it relates to personal development?
This means that the discovery of one’s purpose is tied to one’s personal development; this is because when purpose is failed to be identified, knowing where to function in dishing value would be out of place.
What are the pillars of personal development?
Pillars of personal development are life supporting foundation which help you in becoming a man of value and productivity which are quality relationship, quality mentality and staying focused e.t.c
What are the structures that need to be put in place for functioning systems to effectively materialise?
For personal development to be materialised, these are structures that must be put in place: you must carve a niche where you want to solve people’s problems; you must consciously and deliberately invest in quality and productive relationships, and you must be a man whose passion for goals and achieving such goals is unrelenting.
How important is it for writers to tell their story and how does it impact their readers?
Storytelling is important to a writer, and this is because it encourages, motivates, inspires and instills hope, confidence and courage in the lives of readers — so as to believe and take profitable actions in becoming whatever they have aspired to become in life and destiny.
What are the various things that young people need to do to add value to their educational certificates?
Aside getting paper certificate in school, there are other things to add as young people, and they are: discover your life purpose; get a mentor on your path of purpose; build a solid and unquestionable character, and be available and open to learning consistently and constantly e.t.c.

What inspires all you do today?
Ever since I discovered my purpose, what inspires all that I do is seeing people’s lives become better and making indelible impact that cannot be resisted wherever I find myself.
What has been your most memorable moment so far while working on your book project?
My most memorable moment while working on my book was days I was alerted by my accountability partner who happened to be my dear wife. She was the one that kept monitoring me on the chapters I wrote daily.
Then, when TEBEBA also took over the rest of my book project, it was a fantastic, topnotch and excellent job they did. Right from editing my manuscript to publishing and delivering my book.
As an experienced author, what advice do you have for someone who wants to get his/her book published?
You can publish your book as long as you’re have a message that will transform humanity. All you need to do is to get started and believe in God as you go through the process of your book project to be completed.
Which authors do you admire?
Sam Adeyemi, Dr. David Oyedepo, Dr. Myles Munroe and John.C Maxwell.
What is the best piece of advice you have received as an author?
I have been advised to do more, publish more and impact lives more through my writings.
Do you intend to write more books and why?
Yes, because I have many messages in me to transform my world into a better place.
Where and how can we purchase your books?
My book is available on various bookstores and you can also get it on TEBEBA bookstore.
What are your final words to the audience?
You have a message in you that the world is waiting to read; don’t carry it to the grave.