1. The Book Publishing Code:
With this ebook, you won’t publish wrong again. This is the book every author should read before publishing his or her book.
2. Becoming A Highly Paid Writer:
This is for writers who wants to start making money. You need this book to up your game.
3. 70 Errors People Make On Social Media And How To Avoid Them:
We all make use of social media. This is why it’s important to know the errors to avoid so that one can be effective with its usage. This book will show you how-to.
4. 100 Grammatical Errors to Avoid In Writing:
This book is for writers and authors. Are you worried about common errors people make in writing and how to avoid them? This book will put you through.
5. The Pathway Of A Successful Author:
This book will show you how to become a high-flying author.